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IAM Patent 1000 2016

Published on 04 Jul 2016 | 4 minute read

The IAM Patent 1000 2016 rankings have been released and we are pleased to announce that we have maintained our strong rankings from last year and that Arty Rajendra has been recommended for the first time.


International - Recommended


In hot demand from businesses with critical interests in Asia and the United Kingdom, Rouse is a first-rate firm with a sparkling patent practice. Deep sectoral know-how ensures that it consistently secures sterling results in the pharmaceuticals field; in a recent highlight it represented GlaxoSmithKline against Wyeth in a significant action arising from a vaccine patent dispute. Elliot Papageorgiou and Ling Jin are leading lights in China.

China: foreign - Gold Ranking


With more than 260 lawyers and outposts in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, the Chinese contingent at Rouse is renowned for its thorough, ground-breaking work; it has litigated a number of precedent-setting patent cases during its 20 years of practice in the country. Of Elliot Papageorgiou, one client enthuses: “He is one of the hardest-working people I know. I have instructed attorneys who charge more than Elliot, but very few of them bring the same level of passion and enthusiasm to the table. It is very important to have clear and transparent opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of cases and the practical barriers to enforcement, and Elliot goes out of his way to paint a clear picture.” Alongside running various lobbying campaigns for IP reform, Ling Jin routinely dispenses astute regulatory and market access advice to concerns in education, publishing, broadcasting, television and film.


Hong Kong: Litigation and Transactions - Bronze Ranking


Omnipresent in Asia, Rouse has unparalleled geographical reach. Shrewd portfolio managers, its lawyers know how best to navigate the idiosyncrasies of the special administrative region. Enforcement is another central plank of the Hong Kong offering; the “personable and communicative” team puts in many robust performances in courtrooms across the land. Adelaide Yu is a key contact.


Indonesia - Recommended


International IP powerhouse Rouse serves up some of the most insightful, easily implementable advice in Indonesia and throughout the region. Recommended for its “excellent communication skills” and “strong technical staff”, it has taken the lead on many vanguard patent actions in this emerging market; recent highlights include a Supreme Court win defending the invalidation of a competitor’s patent on behalf of PT Cintas Sentul Raya. The inspiring leadership of “IP pioneer” Gunawan Suryomurcito has proved instrumental to the group’s success.


Philippines - Recommended


Although Baranda & Associates is renowned as a leader in brand strategy and enforcement, it is also no slouch in the hard IP department. A key outpost in the extensive Rouse network, it efficiently serves many foreign clients in substantive drafting and opposition matters, including cutting-edge materials science and food technology briefs. While few Filipino firms retain technically adept practitioners at the senior level, practice head Edmund Baranda is fully equipped to guide clients beyond simple administrative tasks. A molecular biologist by training, he has more than 10 years of experience in pharmaceutical patent drafting; he also routinely plays a crucial supporting role in high-stakes contentious mandates.


Thailand - Silver Ranking


Rouse is an elite player on the nation’s patent scene. With proficiency across the IP spectrum, the agile group is a value-focused alternative to Bangkok’s long-established firms. Home to an impressive phalanx of Thai, British, French and Japanese legal, technical and translation professionals, it excels at freedom to operate analyses for international clients looking to launch their technologies on the Thai market. Fabrice Mattei “is a true expert” who shepherds pharmaceutical portfolio holders through regional hurdles with a sure hand.


United Kingdom - Bronze Ranking for Litigation


Commercially minded to the last, Rouse is a prime pick for corporates seeking to protect their crown-jewel assets both in the United Kingdom and far beyond. It never shies away from the most fiercely contested disputes, and the results it secures bear testament to its dexterity in the heat of battle. Rising star Arty Rajendra makes her IAM Patent 1000 debut this year: “Her professional yet down-to-earth approach makes the process of working through complex matters simple and effortless. She takes into account clients’ business considerations, rather than simply looking at whether they have a case. As she is fully aware of the surrounding circumstances, it allows clients to discuss alternative approaches that may better suit their needs at the current time. Plus, as she can anticipate what the other party may do next or may be thinking, clients avoid unnecessary fruitless steps, which consequently brings matters to conclusion quicker and more efficiently. Her drive and enthusiasm are enthralling; she’s really accommodating. Working with her is a pleasure and a wholly beneficial experience – she provides an excellent service." Another interviewee comments: “She is a very reasonable, sensible, confident person who knows how to provide cost-efficient, helpful counsel to clients.”


Vietnam - Recommended


UK-headquartered Rouse is best known in Vietnam for its tenacious anti-counterfeiting efforts; its comprehensive investigatory capabilities have attracted numerous companies with interests to protect across the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. It also has enviable portfolio advisory expertise. Offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City keep its practitioners a stone’s throw away from the country’s key courts and commercial heartland. Close ties with multinationals and research universities reflect its ability to provide strategic counsel of all colours. Chris Vale is a name for the contact book.

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