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Cambodian trade mark fees and timeframes

Published on 08 Feb 2018 | 1 minute read

A new set of regulations relating to trademark office matters in Cambodia took effect in early 2018.

Trademark office fees for 2018 are rising. Most are inflation level rises in the single digits. However there are several more significant changes.  One is that fees for international Madrid registrations have been set for the first time. Cambodia which joined in 2015 has now completed implementation and so can operate as an as office of origin for a Madrid international application.  The first Madrid application filed has been filed by a Cambodian national, but has not yet been published. 

Filing fees have been set for the first time for collective marks, certification marks and GIs. Cambodia has just registered its first certification mark MALYS ANGKOR for premium rice.  Of the regular trademark office fees the opposition fees see the largest increases.

There are also rules relating to timeframes - applications are due to complete within 6-9 months, an improvement on the current 1 year.

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