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Deciphering the Code: Navigating the Legal Landscape of AI in ASEAN and China

Published on 15 May 2024 | 1 minute read
This webinar will examine the landscape and provide regulatory updates for ASEAN as well as China.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, AI is revolutionizing operations across industries.

The concerns about running gen AI systems are potential lack of transparency, source of data used for training them, issues of biasness, potential copyright infringements, possible privacy violations., and loss of employments.

During this event, we will delve into the specific landscape and regulatory updates in ASEAN countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as China.

We hope to address the following on China and major South East Asian countries:

  • Key developments on leading AI investments in each country;
  • Government and regulatory initiatives in seeking to address concerns arising from generative AI;
  • Copyright infringement risk that may arise from running generative AI, and if so, available defenses.

Join us to gain valuable insights into the legal landscape of AI and stay ahead in this rapidly evolving business environment.

To learn more and to register, please CLICK HERE.

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