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Webinar: How do you exploit your technology in China without being exploited?

Many innovative tech-companies aim to enter the Chinese market as part of their strategy.

Many innovative tech-companies aim to enter the Chinese market as part of their strategy. Technology licensing or joint venture deals in China offer huge business opportunities but also a range of challenges. Differing commercial and financial expectations, differing appetite for risk and trust gaps can complicate the process of cross-border transactions.

Many European technology owners are also concerned that their prize technology assets may be at risk if they partner with Chinese companies, an impression which is fuelled by negative media stories. The reality of technology deals in China is quite different, and technology owners that equip themselves with knowledge about the legal and commercial landscape will have a much better chance of success.

In this webinar Jin Ling, Chris Bailey and Thomas Randes will look at the key components you should address in cross-border technology deals in China.

To book click here.

Amongst other things, you will hear about some of the crucial issues that businesses need to know when entering the Chinese market:

  • Different commercial options, such as licensing and joint ventures
  • Obtaining funding and cross-border financial flows
  • Dealing with Chinese state-owned companies
  • Some important legal considerations
  • Other commercial factors and common pitfalls in deal making
  • Relevant case studies


  • Jin Ling, Principal and the Director of Commercial Law Practice, Shanghai
  • Chris Bailey, Principal, Principal, Rouse Consultancy, Shanghai.
  • Thomas Randes, Principal and Group Head of Management Consulting, Stockholm

Time: 10.00-11.00 (CEST)

Where: Online (Microsoft Teams)

Language: English

To book click here.

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