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Dimas Heldian



(+62) (21) 769 7333


Dimas is an Associate at Suryomurcito & Co., a member of the Rouse Network.

Prior to joining Rouse Indonesia, Dimas began his IP career with Pacific Patent in 2013, then HHP Law in 2015.  

Dimas advises clients on the legal environment for Intellectual Property in Indonesia, recommending possible solutions to issues related to various types of trade mark infringement. He is also involved in enforcement work dealing with patent and design infringement cases.


  • Bachelor degree in Law
  • Attended Indonesia Bar, 2016


  • Asosiasi Kekayaan Hak Intelektual Indonesia (AKHKI)

  • Member of Indonesian Advocate Association (PERADI)

Personal Interest Title

  • Books, graphic novels, movies, action figure and football
