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Erik Oskarsson

Sweden Country Manager & Principal, Rouse Consultancy


+46 734 304 824


Erik is a principal in our Stockholm office.

Erik provides advice in commercial research, start-ups and multinational corporation context focusing on identifying, valuating and controlling innovation and competitive advantages.

Erik has advised a wide range of clients in industries such as telecoms, life sciences, clean technology and the automotive industry on topics of IP strategy, technology due diligence, IP valuation, open innovation and licensing. Erik specialises in contextualizing IP and intellectual assets to support clients’ growth and profitability.


  • M. Sc. Business Design, Chalmers University of Technology

Personal Interest Title

  • Photography, trekking and scuba diving  

Insights Written

The problem with counting on IP

By Erik Oskarsson 06/28/2021

Webinar: Technical innovation and values ​​

By Erik Oskarsson and 1 others 09/04/2020

Webinar: Last mover advantage? Fintech, patents & control

By Erik Oskarsson and 1 others 09/04/2020

Trade secrets and collaboration

By Erik Oskarsson and 1 others 10/07/2019