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Holly White

Head of Service Development


+44 20 7536 4185


Holly supports clients to exploit new commercial and R&D opportunities in China. These are dynamic and fast changing due to the nature of the market.

Drawing on six years’ experience of the business environment, Holly enables clients to develop effective strategies for China.  Support includes:

  • Addressing China’s unique legal, political and cultural environment;
  • Advising on optimum business structures to deliver objectives;
  • Ensuring maximum protection for brands, technologies, other IP and intellectual assets;
  • Responding to complex regulations; and
  • Demystifying China’s innovation landscape.

Prior to Rouse, Holly served as the UK Government's Asia Pacific Regional Manager for the Science and Innovation Network based at the Beijing Embassy.  Leading the UK’s relationship with China in this field, she had strategic oversight of £360m of funding which delivered world class research, increased technology commercialisation and exports. 

During nine years in the civil service Holly gained a broad perspective of business and Government.


  • BA(Hons) Politics and Modern History, University of Manchester

Personal Interest Title

  • Travelling the world – visiting new places as well as returning to favourites
  • Walking in beautiful countrysides and mountains