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Rouse appointed by the Private Financing Advisory Network

Published on 14 Oct 2019 | 1 minute read

On 9 October 2019 Rouse was appointed by the Private Financing Advisory Network of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) as a Network Partner for Africa and Asia.

Our mission will primarily consist in providing consultancy in the fields of climate law, Intellectual Property, EST transfer and diffusion under the Paris Agreement of 2015 on Climate Change on projects PFAN and UNIDO approved projects. This appointment is the recognition of our firm’s know-how and experience in the area of climate change and technology.

Picture taken at the UN HQ in Vienna on October 9, 2019 of Mr. Marko Van Wareven Hogesvost, PFAN Partnership Manager at UNIDO, and Fabrice Mattei, Climate Change Group Head at Rouse.

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Principal, Head of Patent Group, Head of Climate Change Group and Myanmar Business Unit Head
Principal, Head of Patent Group, Head of Climate Change Group and Myanmar Business Unit Head