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World IP Day 2022: Rouse takes INTA Unreal Campaign to Nepal for the first time

Published on 22 Apr 2022 | 2 minute read

Campaign will be presented to College students who will subsequently practise their presentation skills by running the campaign in local schools

To mark this year's World IP Day and its 2022 theme IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future, we are delighted to be working in conjunction with the International Trademark Association (INTA) and its Unreal Campaign to support the Mitrataa Foundation in Nepal. This is the first time the Unreal Campaign will be presented in the country.

Founded by former Rouser Bec Ordish in 2000, Mitrataa works with the girls and women of Nepal to give them opportunities through education and jobs training. Since 2018, Rouse has supported several Mitrataa projects including Micro-entrepreneurs Platform and Financial Literacy.

For this event, Senior Consultant, Anushka Arya who is based in our Jakarta office, will be speaking virtually to college students soon. They will share the messages from the Unreal Campaign to students across Nepal.

The Unreal Campaign is INTA's consumer awareness program, which aims to educate young consumers (14-to 23-years-old) about the dangers of counterfeiting and the importance of trademarks. The Unreal Campaign is a global initiative with outreach to young consumers through online activities and direct school engagement.

This event is one of several taking place across Rouse to mark World IP Day this year. In China, our patent team has been working with Patsnap to develop a series of webinars including a session on IP and climate change from Rouse's Climate Change head, Fabrice Mattei. In addition, Carol Wang (Lusheng Law Firm(Rouse's strategic partner)) has taken part in a Wolters Kluwer webinar discussing how to get higher damages in IP litigation. Also for Wolters Kluwer, Sharon Qiao and Alice Hou (Lusheng Law Firm(Rouse's strategic partner)) will be taking part in a webinar about criminal protection for IP rights. You will be able to access both events on the Wolters Kluwer platform on World IP Day Day.

In Sweden, Global Consultancy Head, Thomas Randes has been interviewed by the Swedish Patent and Registration Office giving guidance for young innovators and entrepreneurs. You can sign up to watch Thomas's interview and other World IP Day activities from the Swedish Patent and Registration Office here.

We will share photos of the event in Nepal once it has taken place.

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