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New Year wish: Obtaining the grant of patents faster in Thailand

Published on 11 Jan 2019 | 1 minute read

The prompt grant of patents contributes to the successful exploitation of inventions especially when it is urgent to disclose, promote, manufacture, license, assign or enforce them.

Most patents filed in Thailand claim priority of an international or national application. In many cases, the priority application has already been examined by a well-regarded foreign Patent Office when it is being examined by the Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand (DIP). Thai examiners should then be able to examine patents promptly by relying on the priority applications’ examination results.  The reality is different. Despite recent initiatives deployed by the DIP in reducing examination backlog, delays in granting patents remain unhealthy. This article explores means to expedite the grant of patents taking into account various issues, including:

  • How to compare the risks of creating admissions in the record (e.g., estoppel) with the significance of the timing of your patents?
  • How to keep the invention focused to less than 20 critical claims? The narrower the claims, the more likely the patent will be granted faster.
  • Will investors look favorably on an issued patent examined through 2nd or 3rd tier Patent Offices and via accelerated request (e.g. ASPEC)?
  • Is there a need to build a portfolio of patents quickly? Strategic use of accelerated examination can get the portfolio off to a good start.
  • How does the accelerated examination process fit into your overall budget? How much does it help reduce costs of ongoing prosecution?

Please click the link below to download the PDF for more information on how to obtain the grants of patents faster.

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Principal, Head of Patent Group, Head of Climate Change Group and Myanmar Business Unit Head
Principal, Head of Patent Group, Head of Climate Change Group and Myanmar Business Unit Head